Friday, November 9, 2018

The Dying Breed Movie Club Starring Phil Congleton

Welcome to .......

The Dying Breed Movie Club

With your Host .......

Phil Congleton

A Brief History

The name Dying Breed Movie Club is actually an oxymoron. We are trying very hard not to be part of a "Dying Breed".  With the continued influx of entertainment across the digital universe, it feels like, more and more, younger people are rejecting movies older than 1990, let alone, a film from 1950 and we are trying to say that movies from any era are important for people of any age and background and we want to talk about those important details.

Loosely based on the book, "1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die".  This concept was born from the book and a club I started in 2006 with my friends.  The rules were simple:

"Once the club is done watching all the movies in a particular year from the book and a selection of additional Extra Credit films picked by the Club, they will again roll (2) 10 sided dice or have a vote to see what the next year will be. Each member has to write a review of the movie to make it official".

The "game" we played lasted a few years and when that was over, due to our lives changing and budget issues, then that idea grew into what is on this Blog today.  A place to talk about movies, either conventional or not.

My name is Phil.  I have been watching movies for 45 years.  I have been writing reviews (for fun and for myself), for 40 years.  I worked in the film/tv/video/photography business for 32 years and now that I am semi-retired I want to concentrate more on my love and understanding of movies and film.  The history behind them.  The theory behind them and the critical importance of the art of film too.  This will be a fun ride for me and I hope many of you will join me for the quest.

Here are the departments I am building for the future of the Blog.